/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[UP_Job_UpdatePromotionBeginInfo] Script Date: 08/19/2014 19:02:11 ******/
SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UP_Job_UpdatePromotionBeginInfo]AS BEGIN DECLARE MyFirstCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT a.ProductProID , a.productItemid , p.productid , a.ProPromKindID , a.PromPrice, --新添加五个字段 a.IsLimitBuyStatus, a.LimitBuyPersonalCount, a.LimitBuyCount, a.bDate, a.eDate FROM ProductPro a INNER JOIN productitem item ON a.productitemid = item.productitemid INNER JOIN product p ON p.productid = item.productid WHERE a.BDate <= GETDATE() AND a.EDate >= GETDATE() AND a.[State] = 0OPEN MyFirstCursor
DECLARE @productItemid INT DECLARE @productid INT DECLARE @ProPromKindID INT DECLARE @num INT DECLARE @PromPrice MONEY --新添加五个字段 DECLARE @IsPur INT DECLARE @OnePurNum INT DECLARE @TotalPurNum INT DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME DECLARE @LastDate DATETIME FETCH NEXT FROM MyFirstCursor INTO @ProductProID, @productItemid, @productid, @ProPromKindID, @PromPrice,@IsPur,@OnePurNum,@TotalPurNum,@StartDate,@LastDate WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN --修改ProductPro 状态 UPDATE dbo.ProductPro SET [State] = 1 WHERE ProductProID = @ProductProIDUPDATE TOP ( 1 )
product SET ProductAttributeID = @ProPromKindID , Price = @PromPrice , Price2 = @PromPrice WHERE productid = @productid UPDATE TOP ( 1 ) productitem SET OldPrice = price , price = @PromPrice --新添加五个字段 ,IsPur=@IsPur ,OnePurNum=@OnePurNum ,TotalPurNum=@TotalPurNum ,StartDate=@StartDate ,LastDate=@LastDate WHERE productitemid = @productItemid--xia 20140218 限制团购数量 改动
SELECT @num = LimitNum FROM dbo.ProductPro WHERE ProductProID = @ProductProID UPDATE productitem SET StoreNum = @num WHERE ProductItemID = @productItemid --读取下一行 FETCH NEXT FROM MyFirstCursor INTO @ProductProID, @productItemid, @productid, @ProPromKindID, @PromPrice END --关闭游标 CLOSE MyFirstCursor --删除游标 DEALLOCATE MyFirstCursor END